Dániel Máté is an artist, researcher and currently doctoral student at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. His artistic and research practice primarily deals with the questions of ideology and politics in relation to dwelling and the overall material conditions of housing as well as the body inhabiting these spaces. His works range from photography to large-scale installations.

For design related works follow this link.


Participant of the 9th Nida Doctoral School
DLA student, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Doctoral School
MSc degree in Graphic Art with a specialization in Graphic Design
Graphic Design student, Hungarian University of Fine Arts
BA degree in Visual Presentation, University of West Hungary, Savaria College
Visual Presentation student, University of West Hungary, Savaria College


2022 Winner of Balkon Inside Express open call
2020- Member of the Studio of Young Artist’s Association (FKSE)
2017 Grantee of the New National Excellence Program research grant
2016-18 Coordinator of the Advanced College of Art and Art Theory
2015-18 Member of the Advanced College of Art and Art Theory as a member of work group KÖTÖDE


2023-24 “Islands and Their Possibilities” at AQB Projectspce group show of the students of the Doctoral School of the
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, curated by Júlia Salamon, Balázs Kicsiny
2023  Installation as part of the event “Nekem a... Barangolás a Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem tihanyi művésztelepán / For me... Roaming in the art colony of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Tihany”
2022-23 “Warmth of our Bodies” solo show in Budapest Gallery, curated by Dalma Eszter Kollár
2022 “BORDERLINE CASE 2.0” group exhibition in Budapest Gallery curated by Tamás Don
2022 “Plant Kingdom” group exhibition in Budapest Gallery curated by Flóra Gadó and Dalma Eszter Kollár.
2022 “BORDERLINE CASE-contemporary reflections on central and eastern European identity” group exhibition in MODEM Debrecen, in collaboration with Dániel Bozzai, curated by Tamás Don
2021 “Common denominator” group show of the new members of KFSE
2020 “Beware” videowork in collaboration with Lilla Szász, online programe of MODEM Debrecen titled „No place like...”
2018 “Time of our Life?”, group exhibition, MODEM Debrecen, as member of KÖTÖDE group
2018 “Best of Diploma”, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest,
2018 “A smooth sea does not make a skilled sailor” ABC Gallery Bratislava, group exhibition as member of KÖTÖDE group in collaboration with TELEPORT Gallery
2018 “Degree Show”, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Aula, Budapest,
2017 “UNIMAGINED IDENTITY”, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Aula, Budapest,
2017 “Personal Ideologies”, LABOR Gallery, group exhibition of artist group KÖTÖDE, Budapest


2023 KRISTÓF KOVÁCS, „Kalóriák és hiányuk – Beszélgetés Máté Dániellel és Kollár Dalma Eszterrel”, In: amu.hvg.hu
2023 TAKÁTS FÁBIÁN, „Hő-háztartás - Máté Dániel legújabb tárlatáról”, in.:artportal.hu
2022 NÓRA HANKA “Mit ér az ember növények nélkül? – Kritika a Budapest Galéria kiállításáról” In: kortarsonline.hu,
2022 “Budapest Gallery:Plant Kingdom: non-hierarchical taxonomies and new botanical futures” In: KAJET DIGITAL,
2022 “Don Tamás BORDERLINE CASE. contemporary reflections on central and eastern european identity at modem”, In: KAJETDIGITAL
2022 It doesn’t matter if you were born after 89, the iron playgrounds still shape your identity | Interview with curator Tamás Don” In: HypeandHyper
2022 “BORDERLINE CASE”, exhibition cataloge, MODEM, Debrecen, 2022
2019 “Time of our Life?”, exhibition cataloge, MODEM, Debrecen, 2019
2018 BÁLINT ÁCS, Nincs jövőkép, nincs lázadás, Best of Diploma 2018 in. ÚjMűvészet, 2018/9
2017 RÉKA MAJSAI, „Ne kerteljünk: szabadság és rend egymásnak ellent mond” in. Balkon, 2017/4
2017 ZSOLT K. HORVÁTH, A Magyar történelem mint öröknaptár, 2018. PRAE.hu.
2016 ÁDÁM ALBERT(Ed.) Practice Years 1.0: interdisciplinary experiments – experimental workshops, Művészeti és Művészetelméleti Szakkollégium, Budapest, 2016


2021-23 Junior Researcher in the EU4ART_differences Horizon 2020 funded research project, at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts
2018-19 Digital Form Creation Laboratory, junior researcher
2018-20 Junior researcher in the reserach project, „Verbal and Visual Modalities”, MKE
2017 A historical summary of the institutional visual language of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and it’s predecessors, New National Excellence Program research grant


2023 “People Long for Warmth” lecture performance at the “Not Quite King. Not Quite Fish” Artistic Research Symposium in Vilnius
2023 “A.RE Artistic Research Days” ABAROMA, Lecture in collaboration with Ádám Albert, Eszter Lázár, Edina Nagy
2022 “Digital Rites and Embodied Memories”, EU4ART_differences summer school, lecturer
2022 “Artistic Research and the Third Cyle” symposium at ABARoma.
Presentation of shared research with Miriana Pistillo.
2021 “To research or not to research in the postdisciplinary academy. Congress on Artisitic Research”at Vilnius Art Academy, lecturer
2019 Participant of the National Art and Student Circle Conference in the Art Theory section


2023  (eds.) ALBERT, Ádám. LÁZÁR, Eszter. MÁTÉ, Dániel. NAGY, Edina. Approximating Borders: Artistic Research in Practice, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest 2023
2021 Balkon, Inside Express, Balkon 2021_7
2020 “Visual Art and English-A vizuális művészeti képzés szakszótára”, ISBN 978-963-7165-98-6 Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, 2020, layout design and illustrations
2018 “A historical summary of the institutional visual language of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and it’s predecessors”, supported by the New National Excellence Program
2020 “Beware” vidework in collabroation with Lilla Szász, digital video, 3:13

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